In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of conspiracy theories being circulated. While some of these theories are harmless, others can have dangerous consequences. So, what is it that drives people to believe in these theories? A new study suggests that it may be a perceived loss of control. The study, conducted by researchers at the University of South Wales, found that people who felt a lack of control over their lives were more likely to believe in conspiracy theories. Lead author Dr. Wade Rowatt said, “Our research shows that when people feel like they have lost control over their lives, they are more likely to seek reassurance by looking for patterns and structure – even if those patterns are illusory.” If you find yourself believing in conspiracy theories, it may be worth taking a step back to examine why. It could be that you’re feeling a sense of powerlessness in your life and looking for something to hold on to. But remember, just because something is a conspiracy theory doesn’t mean it’s true.
The connection between a loss of control and an increase in conspiracy theories
There is a strong connection between a loss of control and an increase in conspiracy theories. When people feel like they are not in control of their lives, they are more likely to look for someone or something to blame. Conspiracy theories offer a way for people to make sense of the world when they feel like they cannot control what is happening around them.
A loss of control can be caused by many different things. It may be a response to a personal tragedy, such as the death of a loved one. It may be caused by a major life event, such as losing a job or going through a divorce. It may also be the result of social or political changes that make people feel like they are not in control of their own lives.
Whatever the cause, a loss of control can lead to an increase in conspiracy theories. People who feel like they cannot control their own lives are more likely to believe that there is someone else who is controlling them. They may believe that the government is hiding information from them, or that powerful people are working together to keep them down. Conspiracy theories provide a way for people to regained some sense of power and control over their lives.
Why people turn to conspiracy theories
When people feel like they have lost control over their lives, they may start to look for answers in conspiracy theories. Conspiracy theories can give people a sense of power and control that they may feel they are lacking in their everyday lives.
People may also turn to conspiracy theories when they are feeling anxious or stressed. The world can be a scary place, and believing that there is a secret plot to control everything can make people feel more secure.
Of course, not all conspiracy theories are based on reality. But for some people, the appeal of believing in a secret plot is simply too strong to resist.

How to deal with a perceived loss of control
It can be incredibly disorienting and unsettling to feel like you’ve lost control. Whether it’s in your personal life or in the world at large, a perceived loss of control can lead to feelings of anxiety, powerlessness, and even paranoia. If you find yourself feeling this way, it’s important to take steps to regain a sense of control.
One way to do this is to focus on the things that you can control. Make a list of the things that are within your power to change or influence. For example, you might not be able to control the current political situation, but you can control how you respond to it. You might not be able to control your boss’s behavior, but you can control how you deal with it.
Another way to deal with a perceived loss of control is to take action. When we feel like we’re powerless, it can be helpful to take concrete steps towards regaining our power. This might mean speaking up for ourselves, standing up for our beliefs, or taking charge of a situation. Doing something – anything – can help us feel more in control and less at the mercy of external forces.
Finally, it’s important to remember that we all feel like we’ve lost control at times. It’s part of being human. Accepting this fact can help us weather tough times and come out stronger on the other side.